Schwing – Bioset

Schwing - Bioset

Schwing – Bioset

• Cost effective, reliable, EPA approved means for producing Class ‘AA’ Biosolids.

Schwing – Bioset technology provides an inexpensive, reliable, and EPA approved means for producing a readily usable and valuable Class ‘AA’ product.   Compared to other methods of producing Class ‘AA’ material, the Bioset process is inexpensive from both initial capital expenditures and ongoing, operation and maintenance costs. Studies have shown that, compared to composting, thermal drying, and digestion technologies, lime stabilization has unit costs as much as 60 percent lower than other alternatives (National Lime Association). The equipment is fully automated and requires very little operator time. As a Class ‘AA’ biosolid, the end product can be widely used and handled without many of the restrictions imposed on a Class ‘B’ product.

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